Refocus LLC in Switzerland Interviews Founder Greg Zarin to Discuss Subrogation Funding
On September 24, 2020, SubroSmart President, Gregory M. Zarin, presented recent trends in Subrogation Funding to an international audience residing in more than seven countries including Switzerland, United Kingdom, Germany, Bermuda, United States, Canada, and the UAE hosted by REFOCUS LLC. The focus of conversation was on recent subrogation funding and purchase transactions arising out of losses in the California Wildfires.
REFOCUS LLC is a niche boutique practice based in Zug, Switzerland. Established in 2000, it provides risk management and regulatory compliance related services to insurance related business for FINMA, FMA and European regulated re/insurance companies. REFOCUS LLC currently acts as FINMA approved outsourced Risk & Compliance Officers for various regulated Firms. Its clients consist of local and multinational insurance and reinsurance companies, captives and intermediaries based in Switzerland, Liechtenstein and the EU.
For more information on this presentation, please email [email protected].